Author: ahawks

Categorized as Financial Health, Retirement Savings

What Investors Need to Know for the Second Half of 2024

Despite a brief 6% correction in the latter part of the first quarter, the stock market has shown resilience and growth in the first half of 2024. Keep reading for factors contributing to this and what you need to know. Federal Reserve’s Stance on Interest Rates The market’s performance has been driven by the anticipation… Continue reading What Investors Need to Know for the Second Half of 2024

Categorized as Retirement Savings, Retirement Tips

Women Are Saving Less for Retirement but Living Longer

Women are saving less for retirement than men – and not just by a little. Prudential’s 2024 Pulse of the American Retiree survey found, “Across all age groups, women are particularly vulnerable, with less than a third the median savings of men. They are nearly three times as likely to delay retirement due to caregiving… Continue reading Women Are Saving Less for Retirement but Living Longer

Categorized as Retirement Savings, Retirement Tips

Tax-Savvy Retirement: Mastering Your 401(k) Tax Implications

When it comes to investing for your financial future, understanding the tax consequences is important to growing wealth.  Because it’s not just what you make, it’s what you keep, that counts.  How tax savvy are you with regards to your 401(k)?  Are you aware of the 401(k) tax implications on withdrawals? Or the real benefit… Continue reading Tax-Savvy Retirement: Mastering Your 401(k) Tax Implications

Categorized as Financial Health

Third Quarter Finance Tips to Turn Things Around

In mid-2024, Americans are still facing high inflation and high interest rates.  And they are saving less and spending less.  According to data from the Commerce Department, “The personal saving rate, the share of income that Americans are squirreling away, was 3.8% in January, well below the recent peak of 5.3% last May and the… Continue reading Third Quarter Finance Tips to Turn Things Around

Categorized as Retirement Savings, Retirement Tips

Check Your Statements–There Are Record High 401(k) Savings in 2024

Fidelity Investments recently released a report on 2024 trends, and Q1 shows record high 401(k) savings in 2024. Read on to discover more about the current 401(k) savings rate, why rates have increased, and how you can save even more. Record High 401(k) Savings According to Fidelity’s Q1 2024 Retirement Analysis, “Total average 401(k) savings… Continue reading Check Your Statements–There Are Record High 401(k) Savings in 2024

Categorized as Financial Health

Is Your 401(k) at Risk from Cyberattacks?

You’ve worked hard to build up your savings to ensure you have a comfortable retirement. What if cybercriminals stole from your 401(k)? Sadly, it’s happening, and experts are fearful it may happen more frequently with retirement accounts – with some even referring to the risk as “a sleeping giant.”¹ While most of the time it’s… Continue reading Is Your 401(k) at Risk from Cyberattacks?

Categorized as Retirement Savings, Retirement Tips

6 Ways to Boost Your 401(k) Halfway Through the Year

Now that we’re halfway through the year, are you looking for ways to boost your 401(k) savings?  Many Americans are struggling to save like they used to, and their retirement accounts are taking a hit. According to recent data from the Commerce Department, “The personal saving rate, the share of income that Americans are squirreling… Continue reading 6 Ways to Boost Your 401(k) Halfway Through the Year

Categorized as Financial Health

Budget-Friendly Summer Fun: 20 Free or Low-Cost Family Activities

It’s easy to see why people are searching for free or inexpensive things for families to do this summer – summer isn’t cheap! Mass Mutual reports, “Nearly half of Americans plan to travel this summer – a ten-point increase over last year – but an astounding 36% say they cannot afford to.”¹  As a result,… Continue reading Budget-Friendly Summer Fun: 20 Free or Low-Cost Family Activities