
Balancing Debt and Retirement Savings in 2023
September 11, 2023

Balancing Debt and Retirement Savings in 2023

With today’s economic landscape characterized by persistent inflation and rising interest rates, it’s no surprise that American households are feeling financial pressure.  This has many Americans grappling with crucial financial questions:  Should I pull back on my retirement savings contributions? ...
12 Tips for Dealing with Hidden School Costs
July 24, 2023

12 Tips for Dealing with Hidden School Costs

Back-to-school shopping is in full swing. Have you made space in your back-to-school shopping budget for hidden school costs? Recently, the following Facebook post went viral. According to the 2023 Deloitte back-to-school survey, parents are expected to spend $597 per...
The 4th of July: Then and Now
July 3, 2023

The 4th of July: Then and Now

Americans have celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July since 1776, even though the Declaration of Independence wasn’t signed until August 2, 1776. There is a lot of fun history to learn about the...
Q3 Personal Finance To-Do List
June 19, 2023

Q3 Personal Finance To-Do List

June 19, 2023 In Uncategorized And just like that, we are halfway through 2023. If only there were a Q3 personal finance to-do list you could consult… Based on the title of this article, it’s easy to see you’ve come...
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