Category: Financial Health

Categorized as Financial Health, Retirement Mistakes

Help Yourself First Before Helping Kids Financially

It is natural for a parent to want to help their children financially, but helping kids financially isn’t always the best decision. You may end up hurting them more than helping them – especially if you dip into your retirement savings. While it is understandable to want to help, the amount of financial help adult… Continue reading Help Yourself First Before Helping Kids Financially

Categorized as Financial Health, Retirement Savings

What Investors Need to Know for the Second Half of 2024

Despite a brief 6% correction in the latter part of the first quarter, the stock market has shown resilience and growth in the first half of 2024. Keep reading for factors contributing to this and what you need to know. Federal Reserve’s Stance on Interest Rates The market’s performance has been driven by the anticipation… Continue reading What Investors Need to Know for the Second Half of 2024

Categorized as Financial Health

Third Quarter Finance Tips to Turn Things Around

In mid-2024, Americans are still facing high inflation and high interest rates.  And they are saving less and spending less.  According to data from the Commerce Department, “The personal saving rate, the share of income that Americans are squirreling away, was 3.8% in January, well below the recent peak of 5.3% last May and the… Continue reading Third Quarter Finance Tips to Turn Things Around

Categorized as Financial Health

Is Your 401(k) at Risk from Cyberattacks?

You’ve worked hard to build up your savings to ensure you have a comfortable retirement. What if cybercriminals stole from your 401(k)? Sadly, it’s happening, and experts are fearful it may happen more frequently with retirement accounts – with some even referring to the risk as “a sleeping giant.”¹ While most of the time it’s… Continue reading Is Your 401(k) at Risk from Cyberattacks?

Categorized as Financial Health

Budget-Friendly Summer Fun: 20 Free or Low-Cost Family Activities

It’s easy to see why people are searching for free or inexpensive things for families to do this summer – summer isn’t cheap! Mass Mutual reports, “Nearly half of Americans plan to travel this summer – a ten-point increase over last year – but an astounding 36% say they cannot afford to.”¹  As a result,… Continue reading Budget-Friendly Summer Fun: 20 Free or Low-Cost Family Activities

Categorized as Financial Health

8 Gift Ideas That Set Graduates Up for Financial Success

Graduation season is upon us. If you don’t have a gift for your grad yet, may we suggest something better than a gift card or cash?  It doesn’t matter if they are graduating high school or college – young adults need financial help. A recent report from the Pew Research Center claims, “Fewer than half… Continue reading 8 Gift Ideas That Set Graduates Up for Financial Success

Categorized as Financial Health

3 Personal Money Moves for Q2

No two people spend or save the same way. What works for you may not work for someone else.  But there are tried-and-true ways to save more and build wealth for retirement.  Use the following 3 personal money moves to guide your financial decisions in Q2, and your checking account, savings account, and retirement account… Continue reading 3 Personal Money Moves for Q2

Categorized as 401(k) Mistakes, Financial Health

401(k) Early Withdrawals May Cost You More Than You Think

Americans are taking early withdrawals from their 401(k)s at record rates “across different ages and income levels.”¹  According to Capitalize, “Half of Americans have made early withdrawals from retirement savings. […] These withdrawals will cost Americans $6.12 billion in penalties to the IRS in 2023.”² A separate report from Bank of America found “the number… Continue reading 401(k) Early Withdrawals May Cost You More Than You Think

Categorized as Financial Health, Retirement Tips

How the 401(k) Match for Student Loans Works

Choosing between paying off student loans and saving for retirement is a reality for many Americans. But that’s about to change. A provision in the Secure Act 2.0 permits employers to consider student loan payments as qualifying contributions toward retirement plans with the goal of enhancing retirement savings while paying off student loan debt. Keep… Continue reading How the 401(k) Match for Student Loans Works