Category: Uncategorized

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The Silent Crisis: Americans’ Reluctance to Discuss Aging Parents’ Finances

There are few things more taboo than talking about money and death. But, if you are a parent approaching retirement, it is imperative to have the aging parent money talk with your adult children. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen as often as it should. According to a Wells Fargo survey, only 38% of Americans with aging… Continue reading The Silent Crisis: Americans’ Reluctance to Discuss Aging Parents’ Finances

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The #1 401(k) Mistake Married Couples Make

In an ideal marriage, both spouses want the best for each other. This includes a comfortable retirement. Unfortunately, there is one 401(k) mistake married couples make without even realizing they are doing it.  It may seem small, but it can make a big impact on your retirement future.  The mistake? Not communicating and clearly deciding… Continue reading The #1 401(k) Mistake Married Couples Make

Categorized as Retirement Savings, Retirement Tips, Uncategorized

When It May Not Make Sense to Roll Over Your 401(k)

May 8, 2023 Contrary to what most experts advise, there are times when it may not make sense to roll over your 401(k). We even advise most investors against leaving behind an old 401(k). However, there is an IRS rule that – if you qualify – may help you have more money and avoid penalties… Continue reading When It May Not Make Sense to Roll Over Your 401(k)